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Je Sian Keith Herman
Je Sian Keith Herman
INTJ Chemical Engineer that likes iced tea, iced coffee, and ice cream in no particular order.
Table of Contents

I’m Je Sian Keith Herman, an #INTJ ChemicalΒ Engineer that likes 🍨 iceΒ cream, β˜•Β icedΒ coffee, and 🍹 icedΒ tea in no particular order. This is the site where I share my thoughts, tools, interests, projects, showcases, experiences, etc. Feel free to reach out and give feedback through email or any of my contact details.

What’s On Here?

I am still building up the contents here on this website from time to time. For now, here’s some links to things on this site that might be of interest that I have already built up:

  • My CV: if you’re looking for it.
  • The Blog section: self-explanatory section that lists the blog posts on this site.
  • The Gists section: code snippets and random pieces of text.
  • The Projects section: a list of projects that I have worked on.
  • The Now page: if you’re looking up what I am up to these days.1
  • The Web Archive: if you’re looking for a collection of links that I found interesting and have saved.


A running list of things that have had a big impact on me:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you pronounce your first name?
My first name “Je Sian Keith” is pronounced as /Κ€i Κƒan kiːθ/ (ji shan kith) in the InternationalΒ PhoneticΒ AlphabetΒ (IPA).
What is your favorite font?
A monospace font with ligatures called: Cascadia Code.
What is your horoscope?
It is Gemini.
Do you have some ASCII Art?
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Fancy some background music while you're here?

What is it that keeps you going?
What keeps me going is my desire to crush my enemies and my sense of wonder.
Comic by Poorly Drawn Lines.

  1. Don’t know what a Now page is? Learn about the idea and make your own too! ↩︎

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